
Gettin' naughty

This weekend has been really relaxing, even though I found out an investment-bank-kind-of won't give me any loan to set up my own gallery and even though I'm facing some pretty big questions about my future: how much will I load on studying at University (if I ever get in), how much on being an entrepreneur, what should I do to really make a living with P-pas and what are the other projects I'm getting involved with. I should study for matriculation examination, move completely back in Helsinki (it's hard to be a part-time-habitant), sleep and work as much as I can. Now I'm just chilling. It feels great for once.
So, I decided to sketch some stupid prints I've been obsessed with quite a while. Here are some versions of them so you can get the basic idea:
I created a new photo album in Facebook about the prints I'm working on so that anyone can comment on them. That's how I get the best perspective to whatever I'm doing: asking other people's opinion. P-pas is certainly not all about me and my style. How self-centered would that be?
Despite the few negative things (such as not getting the financial support I would need to realise my dreams (but well, I'll figure some new, more economical dreams) I'm glad and very zen.
Wish you're all doing fine aswell.
xo, Essi-diot


Get Printed vol. 2

And you know, these four shirts are only photoshopped samples. The real deal will be phenomenal - or at least wearable and really stylish! The actual clothes will be launched in two weeks. Can't wait!


Greetings from..


I spent my Christmas in the Canary Islands playing golf and relaxing in the spa (how ecological..) with my family.  It was quality time from the arrival to the departure, even though I was very sceptical about the destination (tourists, tourists, tourists!). The nature and the beautiful ocean proved my prejudices wrong, even though the amount of German tourists was enormous.

I was also trying to find my feminin side. Could've done worse!

The one-week-holiday gave me enough time to let go of all the stress and pressures, but it took almost the same time to really recover after the holiday. I was feeling exhausted around the New Year, but finally I've found the grip to this thing, and P-pas is on its way to become more and more professional and cool label. My energy level rose after this dubstep party I organized with Suburban Basher -team last weekend. I had fun and the experience was taughtful, but I couldn't be happier to be able to concentrate 100% on P-pas now. Well, probably I should do some studying before the matriculation examinations also. Still, mentally I'm more into this thing than ever. I think I get what's important and what's not, what works and what doesn't. It just takes a bit time to update everything and make P-pas the best I can.

Here's some photos from the dubstep club. My potential feminity died just before the evening. Way to go!


I had some samples in sale, for exemple this gorgeous bamboo T-shirt. It's designed by two graffiti-artists, and I might have never seen anything as cool as the shirt collection, Department Series, that these two are realising. The real price for this shirt is 35€ and it will be added in the webstore in the beginning of february. If you're interested, you can send me e-mail or give a comment and voìla, this piece of shirt-art is yours!

Don't forget to check the webstore, because an awesome rivet-jewel collection has arrived! HvD's Daffyd is both rock and pretty at the same time. Jewel's designer, HildaVonDilka, gave me a pair of earrings for Xmas present. This is how great 2x2 looks on:

Happy New Year to everyone!
xo, Essi

since 09.09.09

Where are you from? 13.10.09 -->

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