
P-pas goes public!

These past few days have been so enjoyable! I feel like a parrot repeating this one statement again, again and again, only changing the word order and using some synonyms. But I truly adore everything that has even slightly something to do with P-pas, no matter if it's about tax issues or negociating about potential co-operation with interesting people. I learn new, constantly, which lifts my spirit even higher than it has been the day before.

dorky me and my second-business-partner Eeva

Of course, besides the constant learning process, new experiences and media publicity have an effect on my enthousiasm. A lot. I've been interviewed, written about, some have heard my nasal voice on the radio.. I will be interviewed and P-pas will get to a magazine or two and it feels GREAT. It feel great that I have the chance to spread Pourquoi pas -attitude Finland-wide, and hopefully Europe-wide as soon as my (and your!) european fellows get to know P-pas better.

But what has made my past days so special is yesterday's P-pas photoshooting for Get Printed. I managed to get these two gorgeous classmates to do some posing in front of my Canon, and the result was beautiful. No thanks to me, but to them. Now Get Printed has "its proper faces", if you know what I mean. It was a pleasure to shoot these two who had no problems posing and looking good. In only one day I could capture every Get Printed -garment on photo and add them to the webstore. It might not sound like much, but try to do everything from the very start: make up, scene settings, the photographing itself, choosing the coolest pics, editing them, changing their size and finally adding them on the Internet. Time-taking but rewarding!

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I've received some comments about P-pas' clothe sizes. Unfortunately nearly every women's shirt is really slim, so if you're size M, you should choose a L and so on. I regard myself as S and I prefer size M on bamboo-clothes (S looks fine but as I said, it is slim) and even L on other tees and tops. The L because my waist is quite.. large-ish.

There will be more big sizes on the next Get Printed -collection, but for now the you'll have to order men's shirts - which isn't a bad choise at all. Especially the bamboo-shirts look great and pretty slim on women! And in the future the most of the big sizes will mostly be men's models, because there aren't XL-sizes for women on the models P-pas uses. But ain't it so that men's shirts look great both on curvy and petite women?

Full of love and inspiration,

PS. I decided to change P-pas-news' look totally. I'm really happy with the result, I hope you dig it too!

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