
The story of how a jingle bell -necklace is born

Once upon a time.. or something.

In the beginning there's some random pieces that turn out to be very important in the big picture.

Then there's these other things, such as the jewel part itself (the tinker bells, whoa!) and its attachement rings.


After having a) finished the chain and b) collected all the material needed, the real work starts.


The bells are attached with special rings with a little help from jewel nippers.

And finally the 15-20 min work provides the artisan with a result like this:

Hot or not?

The photo isn't the best possible, sorry about that. I should've posed with some dramatic make-up on ang high heels stuffed in the picture (because high heels are so artistic), but for some reason I don't feel comfortable doing that kind of stuff. That's maybe because the half of my family knows about this blog... And no, we don't do posing together. But who knows, maybe I'll try something new for a change and post a self-taken picture of my face someday!

Jingle Bell Rock -jewel collection will be launched next weekend! Before that P-pas is attending the Futuuri2009 -exhibition next thursday-friday here in Hämeenlinna - who knows if there'll be any jingle bells left after the first day anyway!

- Essi

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