
Like a rollercoaster ride

Guys, if I told you everything that's happened in these few days, you wouldn't believe me! Not that there would be any lottery wins or stuff like that, but I've just been.. active. Not only with P-pas but socially and.. well, yeah, workaholically. Here are the most important details from the past week end and today.

I and a friend of mine (with whom I also have a small business - I'm a sort of double-entrepreneur) won this distinction of the best business consept during the exhibition. I was so touched I almost cried. When you've worked really hard for something, a simple thank you  is enough to save your day. And when you're called in front of everyone to shake hands with bank directors and other professionals saying "you have potential", it's amazing. It gives you so much energy and belief in yourself. Even though the distinction wasn't given to P-pas but to this other label we've created, e-stil, I felt it was a prize for P-pas aswell.

Get printed found its way to the webstore! Check it out HERE! The photos might not be the best quality, but I'm throwing a photoshooting tomorrow  and adding them  here and there to give you the idea of how the clothes look on real people. I can tell they look fine on me! I love every one of these shirts but if I had to choose my favorite, it would be either the white flood or the black why not. The bamboo feels luxurious on skin and looks great! But the combed cotton shirts are comfortable and really stylish aswell, such as the dark grey why not!

I'm throwing two P-pas TRYOUT -evenings this week, but I guess you who read this english blog aren't able to come. But if you're planning to visit Helsinki anytime soon, book a flight for saturday and visit me at evening! Post a comment here or join P-pas' Facebook group for more information.

To finish I want to share with you two designed match boxes that I keep in my living room. Has anyone of you heard of The Moomins? Here's some samples of their creator's, Tove Jansson's, drawings:

Nighty night!
xo, Essi

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